Thursday, April 01, 2021

Poppies & Poinsettia

 Hello and good morning!

The last few days the weather has been glorious but I'm afraid we are on the turn again...Hubby got to play his first game of golf this week since lockdown and I don't know who enjoyed it more, me or him Lol!

Today I have a few cards for you... I came across some lovely digital stamps on Etsy (Here's the link in case you are interested)... Anyway I bought a couple including the lovely slimline floral which I think are poppies? And made this card

I didn't make a slimline, just printed the image on cardstock to fit my usual size cards and painted it

This is going to a friend and I know she will like it

I also used up the remaining pieces of the poinsettias from my this post to make a few more shaker cards

They're quick and simple but effective.
That's it for today, I hope you have a beautiful Easter... Stay well

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh Ros this new image is beautiful and your coloring perfection really makes it stunning! LOVE your overall design .. so unique and gorgeous! Absolutely awesome! LOVE those shaker cards too ... you are SO good at making shakers ... I struggle with them so don't make many! But you've certainly inspired me to give it a go once again!
    The weather here in Ohio has been beautiful of late but this time of the year we never know what Mother Nature might throw at us and this morning when I came into the cave (around 4 AM) the view out my front door was my beautiful green grass which I actually mowed for the first time on Tuesday! TWO HOURS later when I came up for my shower & breakfast, the ground was covered with a blanket of snow! UGH ... my poor daffodils! LOL Guess that was Mother Nature's April Fool's joke ... I didn't find it very funny! LOL
    HAPPY EASTER to you & yours my friend! God Love Ya!

  2. You've done a wonderful job of printing, and coloring that digital image, Ros! Yes, I agree they are Poppies!
    All of your beautiful poinsettias make for fabulous Easter cards - who says Poinsettia are just for Christmas? Especially wonderful with that delicate twiggy frame!
    Happy Easter!

  3. Your digital poppy painted card is absolutely STUNNING Ros...your friend will treasure this card! And your Easter shaker cards with the Poinsettia's (that don't look like Poinsettia's with your fabulous colors!) are amazing too...they will definitely be a hit with whoever receives them this Easter! Hope you and your hubby have a blessed and happy Easter too!! Hugs. :0)

  4. Alex Syberia does super digital images and you have used the poppies brilliantly Ros and your friend will adore it, and I think the shaker cards with the poinsettia backgrounds all look delightful and as you have shown are not just for Christmas. I hope you have an enjoyable Easter weekend. x

  5. I'm smitten, Ros! Gosh, the digi flowers are so beautiful, especially all soft with your pretty watercolor. It was 70 degrees here yesterday, all still and beautiful. We didn't get to spend much time outside because we were putting my new bathroom vanity together, but we did it in the sunny kitchen with the patio door open and the dogs going in and out.

  6. Oh, very lovely cards, Ros!! Those poppies in pastel colors are gorgeous! I know your friend will be thrilled with the beautiful card! And, your shaker Easter cards are so pretty!! The weather here turned windy and cold today. We woke to seeing some snow on the deck. But, we have to get through this rough patch until the weekend when it will be much warmer, yeah!! Happy to hear that your husband got out and enjoyed some golf! I wish my hubby played golf, lol! Take care and Happy Easter to you and family!

  7. Beautiful, beautiful cards, Ros! Those poppies are gorgeous the way you've colored them! Wonderful shaker cards, too, my friend.

  8. All your Easter and Springtime flower cards are Gorgeous, Ros. I love all your pretty colors, textured designs. TFS my friend. Your hubby gets to golf and you get to be Home Alone:-) What a treat! Happy Easter and Love and Hugs..Nancy

  9. What a lovely group of cards you have created, you certainly have been busy, The colors are amazing and so full of Spring goodness! Have a wonderfully Happy Easter my friend! We had a hard frost last night and my Spring flowers are hanging their heads, so pitiful!!

  10. Beautiful selection of cards Ros, love the soft colours of the poppies and your shaker cards make perfect Easter cards ♥

  11. Beautiful cards with gorgeous colors. I love shaker cards - so much fun!
    Sandy xx

  12. What a beautiful post Ros. Your cards are so very pretty and your colouring is wonderful x. Unique and creative designs and a Happy Easter to you too Ros x. Chuckled about DH and the golf x.

  13. Your poppies are so beautiful, Ros! I love the way you colored them! The gorgeous Easter shaker cards will make any receiver happy! The delicate die-cut window and the shiny sequins against the fabulous flowers look amazing!
    Hideko xx

  14. Hope you had a lovely Easter, my friend! These are just gorgeous! I really love the design of the birthday card!

  15. I really love the colours and your soft colouring. they are all beautiful xx

  16. Wow, beautiful cards Ros. Your painted poppies are gorgeous, love the soft pallette. Love your deisgn on this one as well. And your shaker cards, amazing, all so beautiful. You are good at these shaker type cards, I seldom make them. Sorry for such a late comment on your posts. I've fallen behind - yikes hope to get caught up soon.! So glad you share your creations with us, you have so much talent! Love them all, take care Ros, off to your next post.

  17. Wow - that shaker in blues is just breathtakingly gorgeous. As always, they are all fantastic but this one really does it for me somehow. Other than that, a toast to spring weather and many more days out on the green for DH!


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