Thursday, May 20, 2021

Birthday Boys

 Hello friends, how are you doing?

I've had a couple of old ailments come back to visit this week and the prescription I have for my legs seems to becoming less and less effective... It's unfortunate that seeing a doctor or even trying to book a telephone consult is so difficult during these times but not much we can do about it.

We also went to the eye hospital for my husband's check up following the laser treatment done a few weeks back to relieve the pressure but sadly it hasn't worked. He has a month of drops and if that doesn't help it will be surgery again...

Anyway, we stay ever hopeful


This month my eldest brother celebrates his birthday along with my friends' husband so today I'm sharing the cards I made for them.

First up is a funny I made for my brother

 I used my own Tig and Mo drawings and painted them along with the balloons

The speech bubbles and text I did on the computer and you can probably make out a little stenciling in the background... Inside the card I printed this

And for our friend Charlie, I made a card featuring his favourite tipple

The background is stenciled, paint splattered and splashed with water which I blew around

The images were free digitals which I first printed on vellum,  adhered them to a piece of card and then fussy cut.

I recently bought a new printer, I've always used a Canon printer but the last one I had was awful. Due to many people working from home and deliveries not being met, printers have been difficult to get but I did eventually get another 'newer' version Canon and I am very pleased with it. The problem I find now is that everything is so technical... I don't need half the features, same with the mobile phone so I'm paying for stuff I'll never use let alone even understand Lol!

Anyways, thanks so much for popping in, I hope to catch up with you all soon  

Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. Two wonderful masculine makes Ros, and I love your hand drawn mice Tig and Mo with their balloons and added sparkly stars, and your fun chat with the punchline inside which make me chuckle, and then the digital images which look great and love the vellum and the background stencilling in coordinating colours and emphasised with the black frame and with the black inked sentiment to finish. So sorry to hear that your medication isn't working so well anymore and hope that you can soon get to see the doctor, and also that your husband's eye problem will respond to the drops. x

  2. Wow Ros 2 awesome cards. Those mice with extra long tails (? rats) are so funny and the Jim bean - what a great way to add the image :)

  3. Fabulous cards Ross! What a perfect masculine card too! Those little mousers are the best kind, on paper lol, so cute! We are having some great weather days here FINALLY but we sure do need rain! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  4. Sorry to hear about your prescription being less and less effective Ros and yes trying to 'see' a doctor has become incredibly hard. Sorry about your husbands eye too....yes stay hopeful Ros and sending hugs x.
    The card for your eldest brother is such fun and what a creative and unique card. Love the Jack Daniel's references for Charlie with the colours and drips/splats and a very thoughtful card Ros x.
    Yes I know what you mean about not using half the stuff on phones/printers etc. I often say the same about the washing machine....all those choices and I really only use a few! x.

  5. Oh Ros, I'm betting you know your brother's sense of humor will be tickled by your fun card! Who's Ron? Your balloon delivery guys are the cutest!
    As for that bottle of Jack - wow, it's a great digital print - if this is what your new Canon has done, it was the right choice!
    Thanks for starting my Friday with a smile, my friend!
    [ps my trip to the eye doctor ended with not great news about my eye pressure this week - think it's the times?]

  6. Two fabulous masculine cards, Ros! I’m sure your brother will get a big kick out of the comical card you made him, lol, so cute! Love the wonderful painted mice and speech bubbles! And, the second card for your friend is just as awesome! Great stenciled background and image of the Jack Daniel’s bottle! Sorry to hear about the pain with your legs and your husband experiencing eye difficulty. I hope you both get things resolved very soon!

  7. Two AWESOME cards Ros!! Of course any card with Tig and Mo on it is a fun one, and I'm loving the sentiment too...will definitely make your brother smile!! And it looks like your new printer is working beautifully as I'm really loving your 2nd card and how well the image printed out on the vellum! Love the stenciled background on the 2nd card too! Sorry to hear about the leg and eye problems for you and hubby, and hope they get cleared up soon!! Hugs. :0)

  8. Great cards but my choice for the best card of today? The Mice - very funny, very creative and yes I love it!
    Sandy xx

  9. Sending positive wishes that your old ailments improve and your hubby's eye drops help him. Darn it, anyway!!! Loved your fun and silly card for your brother and your husband's friends card. Amazing how you printed the digi images on vellum and then fussy cut. Looks like you got an awesome printer this time. Take my friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  10. Wonderful cards - so different as of course they are also so personal. They will love them, it's obvious they are very special!
    Sorry to hear your ailments are acting up again; I hope you get help soon. Fingers crossed for DH and his eyes; may he maage to avoid another surgery.
    Have a wonderful weekend - it's going to be wet and very windy again here...

  11. Tig & Moe are so handsome and the balloons very festive! I love the speech bubbles and the humor! The Jack Daniels bottle and glass are amazing! The stenciled background is even more amazing! I predict he will really like this card! Have a great weekend, my friend. Hope you're feeling better.

  12. Sorry about the medical issues & hope things improve for both of you soon. The card for your brother is a hoot--so creative & fun! Boy does the Jack Daniels & glass look real! Bet he loved his card! Sending big hugs!

  13. What a cute pair Tig and Mo are Ros! This card really made me smile - bet your bother smiled too!
    Great stencilling with the JD bottle - makes a fab background.
    Hope your are doing OK - have met myself coming back this week. x

  14. LOVE both the cards Ros! The one for your brother is so fun with the sweet mice. I love that they are curious as to who Ron is ... fun!! Perfect sentiment for the inside.

    The card for Charlie is awesome. I LOVE how you made the background. Adding the blown water over the stenciling adds such a fun design. Need to try that! Great idea to print the Jack Daniels on vellum ... looks amazing! xx

  15. Two fabulous birthday cards, Ros! Your drawing of the cute mice is as good as ever. The sentiment is so fun! I thought you fussy-cut a whisky bottle and a glass of photos! Your new Cannon did a great job. The stencil and splash of whiskey color is awesome! Ron and Charlie will love their cards.
    I'm sorry to hear about your leg issue, and I hope eye drops will help relieve the pressure of your husband's eyes.
    Hideko xx

  16. Tig and Mo are so fun and cute for your brother's card! He'll get a good laugh out of it and will appreciate the personalization. Same with your card for your friend's husband. Love the splashy background. It's all very rich and masculine. I'm really sorry about your RLS treatment becoming less effective. Maybe an adjustment will help. Yes, stay hopeful for that and for your husband. It seems lately there's always something to worry about.

  17. Two really great masculine cards. I love the one for your brother, hope he gets the joke. The background on you Jack Daniels card is very clever, love the blown bits xx

  18. Two fantastic masculine cards Ros! Love them both. I'm sure your brother loved the personalized card, so fun, and great drawings of Tig & Mo! Great background for your second card, goes very well with the Jack Daniels bottle! There is always something to worry about isn't there Ros, stay hopeful for your husbands' eyes, also glad to hear your RLS is doing better (only because I read your more current blog post to know this). Take care Ros,


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