Saturday, May 15, 2021

Two More

It's still raining here and its beginning to look like a forest out the back, I guess it could be worse. but I'm really getting fed up with it now.

I've 2 more cards to share using up painted bits and die cuts

The die cut frame I haven't used before, it was tucked away 

What you can't see on the photos is the sparkle... The painted pieces that I die cut all have glitter pen on them and believe me they do sparkle

Same with this one... a left over painted flower, a TH die cut and a digital frame

Not forgetting the tiny dragonfly cut from a small piece of left over AI
I get a lot of fun making cards from left over bits... 
Restrictions are soon being lifted here but there is now concern over the new variants...  In all honesty, I think the old life we knew is gone which is not so tough for us but for the fearless youngsters that we all were once, it's sad.
Stay well my friends and have a good weekend

~ Ros ~


  1. I'm sorry about all the rain Ros...could you send some of it our way?? Getting kinda dry here! Your cards are both beautiful and it's just magic to see what you come up with using leftover little pieces of cardstock with your painting!! Lovely, lovely cards my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  2. Your cards are so lovely, Ros!! A beautiful frame and wonderful color using the left over bits!! We’ve had a break from the rain and enjoyed time outside with friends yesterday evening. It was a perfect evening. I hope your get a respite from your rain. The restrictions have lifted here in our state of Ohio who are fully vaccinated. Businesses can keep the same restrictions if they wish. Yes, it’s a new time now and I believe it will be our new normal. Take care and enjoy your weekend, hugs!!

  3. Two really beautiful cards, so subtle with little pops of colour. very stylish indeed. Although it has been very grey and cloudy here we haven't had that much rain just a horrible drizzle, which is really miserable and isn't doing much to water the garden either xx

  4. I love your two cards using left over bits Ros, and I particularly love the first with the pretty hearts using some bits of your watercolours and such a beautiful frame, but the flower and dragonfly on the second look great with the die cut and the digital frame, such clever use of bits. I think given time the virus will diminish and will be kept under control. I hate the word 'new normal' and hope that we can with a few tweaks get our old life back and as time goes on I am determined to try my hardest to do so..rant x

  5. Fabulous cards Ros. I really think you are so talented the way you can take 'bits' ad put them together to make cards that to my mind should be selling in a very expensive boutique shop! xx

  6. Beautiful cards! I can relate to your feelings about the rain... especially as I wasn't able to get my rainwater catchment hooked up in time (a piece was and still is missing). As for the old life etc: I think we will get there at some point but it will take a whole lot longer than anyone would have thought... but there's light at the end of the tunnel and that is were the focus should be!

  7. Oh Ros these are both just BEAUTIFUL! LOVE your designs and isn't it amazing what you can create with left overs?! You always inspire me my friend and today is no exception!
    Yes things are opening up here in the states too and it actually is kind of scary! I keep thinking 'is it too soon'!!! How odd we felt when we first were required to wear masks ... now I don't feel safe walking around in a store without it ... even though I'm fully vaccinated. Times are definitely different and I agree ... the old like we once knew is gone for good ... nothing will be the same again.
    Hope you have a fabulous week ahead ... stay safe ... Hugs from Ohio, USA.

  8. Love, love, love these little floral hearts with the sweet outline stitching, Ros! The shimmer adds even more interest! A beautiful die cut frame too! Love the digital frame with the die cut circles behind the pretty blue flower! Your bits box is yielding beautiful results, my friend!

  9. Two more jaw dropping cards, Ros! Love that wreath-like frame on your first card and the scribble die on your second. Your printed frame makes a nice base on which to build your card. I believe there may be a chance that life going forward will be different to a certain degree. Many people still choose to throw caution to the wind, but I value life too much for that.

  10. Great use of your fabulous left overs Ros. Both cards are so unique and creative and what an extra pretty die cut on your first beautiful card x.

  11. These are so beautiful and dreamy, I love the colors and the gorgeous designs!
    I hope you are having some lovely weather by now, ours is to be HOT by the end of the week and I have to say I can hardly wait, even on the warmer days the wind can be bitter cold and our summers are short enough without having to put up with all the coolness the last few weeks!

  12. Beautiful cards Ros and all from leftovers !!! I absolutely adore the digital frame and those gorgeous "painted pieces" how very clever.


  13. You have the most beautiful bits, Ros! :) Two gorgeous cards! xx

  14. Wish you could send us your rain--we need it! Good thing we don't have our boat now, as the reservoirs are all going to be so low. Your cards are beautiful, Ros! Always love the unique ways you put things together!

  15. Be still my heart! Love, love these cards Ros! You are so very talented. I love your creations, always add your special touch which make them so unique. The first card with the wreath - love the colours and design, just beautiful! And your second card, just the way your added the scribble die cut along with the flower inside the digital frame, and the tiny dragonfly - gorgeous! We have been in lockdown for two months now, we are now able to leave the house for non essentials starting today, and then opening of stores (other than grocery and pharmacies) on June 14. Slowly we will get these! Stay well.


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