Friday, August 27, 2021

Fox and Donkey

 Hello there...

How's your week been? Not much good news is there... Honesty I'm just happy to stay home and enjoy my hobbies. 

This week I've been trying to draw more animals.. namely a fox and a donkey. For some reason I found it really hard to draw a lifelike fox, let alone paint one but I'll share the result anyway

What do you think? Am I convincing you that it's a fox? 

And then the my little donkey...

I've a thing about eyes... They are the soul and they tell the story. They can bring a picture to life... or not
I always think donkeys have sad but gentle eyes - My donkey is a happy little one though,  he's well looked after.

Either way, I much prefer to live in the world of animals whether it be sketching, painting or just enjoying my own pets. 

Have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Ohhhh, Ros, he looks very much like a fox to me! Such a beautiful creature.
    You've got so much fine detail in his fur, and those eyes just draw you right in! Your donkey is an adorable soul. I do find them so cute, but I know they can be ornery at times. I think you know I live in a Golden Retriever bubble. These days it's the safest and happiest place to be.

  2. Well Ros...certainly look like a fox and donkey to me, and so much more lifelike than anything I could produce...well done...I have said it are very talented. xx

  3. Ros, your fox and donkey are both beautifully drawn, and painted! You do have a way with their eyes!

  4. I'm convinced Ros...your fox definitely looks like a fox to me, and is beautiful!! I love the colors...sooo pretty! And your gentle little donkey just melts my heart...sweet, sweet little guy! You always amaze me with your talent Ros...keep it coming!! Hugs. :0)

  5. Oh my word ... these critters are both so adorable! I don't know about Mr. Fox ... he looks a bit 'sly' but Mr. Donkey looks so 'lovable'! Amazing detail work ... how do you do that??? lol Fabulous drawings and designs my friend. Please stay safe ... crazy world we live in right now.

  6. Oh, it surely looks like a fox to me, Ros, and a lovely one! It is truly adorable! I wish I could reach out and pet him, lol! And, the donkey is as cute as can be! The softness of his eye and tilt of his head is so sweet! Such a delight to see your painting beauties this morning! I showed my hubby, too, since he walked in to talk to me! He says, very very nice!! Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous talent!!

  7. How beautifully Ros and wonderfully hand drawn with the furry coats on both so lifelike . I love them both but I do have an extra soft spot for the sweet donkey and love the textural brown background for him too. x

  8. Your talent grows and grows, my friend! This definitely looks like a beautiful fox and your donkey looks quite content and well cared for! Wonderful illustrations!

  9. Oh my goodness ... two amazing pieces of art, Ros! LOVE your fox. He doesn't look like he's up to any trouble, but they usually are. :) And that donkey is the sweetest. Agree with you about the eyes, it really brings them to life. Great work, my friend! xx

  10. I am so convinced too Ros, your painting is just wonderful and you've captured lifelike eyes on both, keep painting and keep well, hugs Robyn

  11. Both are FAB but the donkey - sigh - his eyes!

  12. that is most definitely a fox. It is pretty hard to get the nose when when it is face on, so this is pretty clever. Your donkey looks very cute. there is no way that I could draw and paint these so very well done xx

  13. I feel the same way about the world & am very happy home making cards. Drawing & painting is out of the question, but I so admire your beautiful talent! Love the fox & the donkey is a sweetie--looks well taken care of, alright!

  14. Yes ...both the fabulous fox and the adorable donkey look amazing. You are so talented Ros. Both have fabulous eyes and both are unique and I love them x. Sorry to be late in commenting Ros...I was away at a family wedding and I so enjoyed catching up with the family (at last) x.

  15. WOW! Ros, yes this definitely is a fox, the eyes draw you right in, and all your fur like details wow, wow! and your donkey, love the eye! Ros, you amaze me with your talent every time I see a new drawing. Sorry for the late commenting, life has just been hectic. Keep well, take care, sending hugs your way!

  16. Yes, the donkey does seem to be a gentle fellow - and I also like how you set it up in the passepartout. I see what you mean about the fox (I think) - maybe it's the snout (is that what's it's called?). They have this like elongated face which doesn't quite show on your painting - it could be easier seen from the side?


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