Monday, August 23, 2021

The Owl and the Pussy Cat (no boat in sight)

 Good morning friends...

Did you have a good weekend? The rain held off a little here which was good as we travelled to Derbyshire to visit DH's eldest son, DIL and granddaughter. They moved house this year and live in a quaint little village and their daughter is gorgeous! We really enjoyed our visit...

August has been a complete wash out here with more rain than we deserve and I'm grateful for my hobbies... I couldn't imagine not having something to do. Today I have 2 more painting for you 

The owl...

I saw a photograph of an owl peeking around a wall and that was my inspiration...This of course is only a youngster and a little shy... Took me quite awhile to do this and I'm hoping he looks like an owl to you

We often hear the owls at night in our trees  but I've never yet seen one...

The pussy cat...

I had a grey cat when I was little and I got 2 kittens for my son when he was little, Lucy who was also grey and her sister Lisa who was all black. We had them for 16 years and Lucy was a real character who was very attached to both our GSD's... One evening Lucy went out in the garden and we never saw her again. We searched for weeks, posted flyers etc., but to no avail. It was the not knowing that haunted us. 

This is how I remember her, sitting watching the birds but never able to catch one thank goodness.

Funny, never did I think that one day I would be able to paint her

Thanks so much for your visit and for all your wonderful messages regarding Ross

Have a wonderful week

~ Ros ~


  1. Great that you managed a trip away to visit family Ros and you had a lovely time. I think the weather this week is to be so much better....let's hope so x.
    What a super cute Owl card and your drawing/painting looks amazing Ros x. Sorry to here about Lucy and what a fabulous job of painting her....So realistic. Two creative, unique and stunning cards x.

  2. Your owl looks exactly like an owl! You have a way of giving your characters such a soft look. I want to reach out and pet them. There is magic in your paint brushes! Love the leaves and the cat, too. I don't know what happens sometimes. We had a juvenile kitten disappear like that once. We lived on the edge of a rural area and one day just gone. On the other hand, our Marvin cat showed up on our doorstep here at this house one day and lived with us for 14 years.

  3. You are totally awesome with your paintings and the sweetest owl and kitty!! Sad about the loss of your kitty and never knowing! I had a gray kitty Soot and she passed away way too early with bladder cancer and I miss her dearly. We have another we have raised from a kitten 'Violet' and she loves to watch the birds, luckily not gotten any yet! If it wasn't for my husband I would probably be an animal hoarder...hah!!

  4. I could totally see a whole series of all animals peeking out from behind the tree. Love both cards ♥

  5. Your sweet owl peeping round the leafy tree branch and cute little kitty peering round the leaves are both so fantastically drawn and painted Ros, and I especially love your owl and cat eye...both really sparkle. Sad that Lucy just didn't come home, I can see how incredibly hard that must have been. x

  6. This definitely looks like an owl and his peeking around the tree put a big smile on my face, Ros! We hear owls in our trees, but like you, have never seen one. Your kitty is so real looking peeking from the leaves. Great job, my friend!

  7. We have Great Horned Owls who fly from roof top, to roof top in the Spring with their courting HOOTS! All that a 3 a.m. - but we love them.
    I also love your gorgeous little owl, Ros - superb drawing, and painting! Your wee grey cat is so adorable, too!

  8. Yes, it is definitely an owl, Ros! And, a gorgeous one for sure peeking out from around the tree! I think I hear owls, too, at times around our house, but my husband said it's a bird. I like to think it's an owl, lol! Your painting of the gray cat, Lucy, is just as sweet as can be! My sis had a gray cat when she was young and named her Smokey. We have lots of wonderful memories of our pets, so precious! Wonderful paintings as always, Ros...well done!!

  9. How great you could have a family visit, Ros! And yes--please send us some of your rain! The fires all over the western states are so bad, but thankfully none close to us this year. No rain in our forecast, but at least the temps have been comfortable for a few days. So great you painted a memory, but the owl is my favorite! You're amazing!

  10. Awwwwww...both your shy little owl and the sweet little Lucy are just ADORABLE and your painting skills never cease to amaze me Ros! I'm sorry it's been SO wet for you lately, but I sure do enjoy what you do during those wet periods!! Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL cards my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  11. Both are wonderful!!!!! Wish there was a stamp out there for these as I cannot draw worth a HOOT or a MEOW!!!! Maybe it is time for you to make your own line of stamps - hint, hint! Thanks for sharing your art
    Paper Hugs,

  12. Just delightful! Especially LOVE how the owl's eye mimics the shape of the leaves!

  13. More wonderful painting Ros, you've a lovely touch and amazing detail... both the owl and cat are amazing, hugs Robyn

  14. WOW! These are both just fabulous! Yes of course I could tell it was an owl right away! And so sorry you never knew what happened to your kitty but maybe it's best you didn't know. We lost so many pets when I was growing up in the country as they would run loose and of course never failed about the time they decided to run across the road there would be a car or truck coming down the hill ... I'll say no more! Ugh

    SO HAPPY you had a nice visit with your children! I'm sure it was difficult to leave them when your trip was over.

    Keep up the awesome drawing ... I'm always so inspired!! HUGS

  15. Two gorgeous little paintings, thanks for the story of your cats too. And yes, it does look like an owl xx

  16. OMG, that little shy owl is soooo cute, Ros! Love the charming eye!! The gray cat (Lucy) is so realistic! Amazing job of painting the blue eye, the soft hair, and the whiskers! I love both cards!
    Hideko xx

  17. Such cute paintings... though that owl looks more like it had mischief on its mind than being shy (at least to me). We had a cat, Pinki, who was about 20 years old when she just disappeared one day, never to return. Ever since I thought cats might choose a place where they die and just go out when it's time. It seemed similar with Sophie, though we did find her in the hedge, a favorite place of hers.


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