Thursday, July 14, 2022

Getting Old is For The Birds

 Well good morning friends, I hope you are well
I've been up with the lark, which is becoming the norm for me and I managed to visit your blogs too. Excuse any spelling or grammar errors I made -  typing is weird when your fingers have little sensation.

Referring to my last post, my friend Diane commented that getting old is for the birds and it gave me an idea so I grabbed my pen and paints and made a couple of cards...

I haven't had to resort to a walking stick just yet but glasses? I have 3 pairs and the onset of cataracts so I know what it's like for this little guy trying out his glasses.

A funny thing... I have to use eye drops in my left eye every day and DH said these particular ones cause hair to grow. Of course I thought he was joking but honestly the eyelashes on my right eye are normal but my left eye looks like I have a false eyelash on... It's ridiculous. Yes I've considered trying it on both eyes but I'm scared that I won't then have enough to last the month which is the shelf life and when my prescription is repeated so I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it.
This next one I'm entering at CAS Mix Up

This guy reminds me of my DH but don't tell him.

 Not that he goes to the library but he reads everything, labels and contents on packets, you name it... Getting around a supermarket takes forever with him. But I think it's the strands of hair and the specs that more remind me of him Lol!

I was actually chuckling to myself as I drew these, assembling them took twice as long.

I hope they made you smile too...

Enjoy your day... It's cool and dull here whereas the rest of the country is sweltering but hey I'm not complaining, I don't like the heat.

Till next time

~ Ros ~


  1. Ha! My dear mother often used stronger words than that about growing old, Ros! But I love where these took your pens and paints!
    The one on the right on card #1 reminds me of my husband as he's getting accustomed to his new bifocals!
    How wonderful it is to see your creations again - be well, my friend!

  2. Well hello dear friend, so glad to see you back again!! These cards are great and did make me chuckle the description of your hubby, specs on birds, I like that, so fun and uniquely yours!! Super fun cards!! I certainly hope you can soon find results for your ailments and get to feeling better! We are at the lake house and it is 50 degrees here this morning, I feel like I am missing my summer being here as it is high 80s to 90s at home! Have a great day!!

  3. These are so good Ros! Love them both but the little fella on his way to the Library might just shade it for me in the love stakes!
    Could do with some of that eye drop stuff - I have none existent lashes! xx

  4. love them, they are such adorable old gals ♥

  5. How great that you were inspired to pick up your paints! I'm always in awe of your work, but you did these with little feeling in your fingers?! Some of my favorites as I do love the birds with their spectacles! I'm one of those people who had to wear glasses starting as a young child, so I relate! Yes, you made me smile & I'm glad painting these made you smile! Big hugs & happy thoughts, Greta

  6. Oh my gosh, Ros .. these birds are AWESOME! They make me happy just seeing them on your cards. You did amazing work (as always!). Love their specs. So funny about the one that looks like your hubby! :) So glad you had fun painting these birds ... art is joy. xx

  7. Lovely to see your creations once more Ros. These are cute and the one off to the library...maybe he is researching how to morph into an owl! Hope things improve for you soon. Take care xx

  8. Oh yes, they definitely make me smile. A delightful little set of ageing birds. I hope creating them cheered you up a bit too xx

  9. It's me again! I have just seen that you are in the CAS Mix Up gallery and on my commenting number so I thought I would pop back and say thank you for joining us xx

  10. So happy our CAS Mix Up Things that fly Challenge gave you such cute and sweet ideas for watercoloring your birds, Ros. We Love it when you join our challenges:-) Your cards made me smile along with your descriptions:-) Take care and sending you wishes that your eye drops work as well for your eye as they do for your eyelashes..on only one eye:-) Take care, dear friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  11. Both of these are precious and they definitely made me smile, Ros! I can identify with the glasses and my DH does the same thing in the grocery store. I'd much rather hurry through the store and come home to read a book! Thanks so much for sharing these with us and I loved seeing you in the CAS Mix Up gallery!

  12. Was SO glad to see this post Ros and yes, both cards totally brought a smile to my face!! Your bespectacled birdies made me chuckle, although I could totally relate too, what with having glasses and cataracts too! (And a cane once in awhile also, on wobbly days!!) It's good you're still keeping your sense of humor as getting older really is for the birds! Take care my friend and know I'm still thinking of and sending lots of prayers your way!! Hugs. :0)

  13. Oh Ros, these are just AMAZING! And yes, made me chuckle! You are SO creative and I always LOVE seeing your designs. I too hope you find some relief from what ails you and pray tomorrow is even better than today.
    I TOTALLY agree with your title ... Getting old is certainly for the birds! But these birds look like they're doing their best to deal with it so guess THIS OLD BIRD will have to do the same! LOL
    Hugs & well wishes to you my friend and thanks so much for the birthday wishes! I'm so blessed to have friends like you!!

  14. How wonderful to see your painted cards, Ros! Love those darling birds! You are right, getting old is for the birds, lol! I can relate to the glasses and the beginning of cataracts. How cute to make one that looks like your husband! Happy to see that you were inspired to create the beautiful cards. Keep on creating and sharing your talent for we all love seeing your amazing creativity! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! Take care, big hugs!!

  15. Great to see your creations, Ros! The birds with glasses are so fun and cute! Love the colors of the feathers! Both cards look like they're from a picture book.
    Please remember that we all understand that typing is hard for your fingers, so don't push yourself too much. Take care!
    Hideko xx

  16. Oh Ros your cards are wonderful, I love these little feathery folk with so much character.. and so glad you're still finding some time to paint and create... hugs and enjoy your day, Robyn

  17. Oh my, what beautiful cards Ros they really made me smile. you are such a talented artist and despite all of your health issues you are able to create such masterpieces all of which are frameworthy.


  18. Your painted birds wearing glasses are just delightful, Ros! Glad to see you painting again! xoxo Hugs, Darnell

  19. I'm so in love with your adorable 'old' birds! If they were stamps I would definitely buy them! Funny about the eye drops:) So happy to see your cards in the CAS Mix Up gallery!

  20. These little birds look amazing! You're so talented, I love all the tiny details, the specs look adorable. Thanks for sharing at CAS Mix Up!

  21. What cute birdies! And better still: so good to see you got into the mood for card making - and got your body to cooperate. I hope it caused a veritable dopamine rush!

  22. I love seeing your own artwork Ros and love the title..getting old is definitely for the, and they are such fun little birds with their specs on and the last with thoughts of your hubby is extra special..I love the collar and the library book tucked under his wing. So pleased that you are managing to craft albeit slower and your eye drops making your lashes grow longer made me smile too. Stay positive and keep crafting. Sorry for my late arrival here but have been on holiday. x

  23. Hi Ros,
    I visited a while ago and left a comment but on my visit today I see that Blogger has been up to its tricks again and it didn't register. I wanted to say how much I loved these little cards and how much I admire that you can still do such wonderful work when you have such a lot going on. I hope things are settling down for you and that you now know the way forward.
    You are in my thoughts - take care.
    Carol xx


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