Thursday, July 07, 2022

Just an Update

 Hello there friends... 
I hope you are well and enjoying a better summer than we Brits are.

I'm sorry that I don't have anything crafty to share with you but you have been wondering where I am and what's happening so I thought I'd pop in with an update.It's been a full on time with hospital appointments for weeks, both for my eyes and my spine problems and hubby has also had his fare share too.

I did get my Iridotomy on both eyes and earlier than expected as the pressure shot up again. So there have been regular visits to the eye hospital. It didn't go as smoothly as we hoped but I'm doing okay now and I have a few weeks reprieve before I go back there. 

The day after my iridotomy I had an appointment at different hospital to see my spine consultant which resulted in him referring me to another consultant who is a top specialist in cervical spine problems and I got to see him within a couple of days.

Since then I've been tested for this and that, prodded and poked, had electric impulses fired through my arms and hands... You name it! I'm regularly visiting 3 different hospitals and to be honest, it exhausting. 

The next step will be a consultation with a team from the Neuro centre to see whether or not they will operate and whether I'm prepared to have the operation. I knew the risks when I had my lower spine surgery but had no hesitation as I had no quality of life at the time, but with this operation the stakes are high. Because the stenosis has affected all my neck discs, they aren't confident that removing one won't destabilize all of them and the eye problem increases the risk of blindness not to mention complete paralysis. 
It's been and still is an anxious period. I honestly don't know what route to take and no one can say how quick the progression of this disease will be....sigh.
I've had no inclination to pull out my paints though I have perservered with sewing to the best of my ability. I even considered closing my blog... I'm just so indecisive right now - But I am staying positive and hoping this mist in my head will clear and I will be guided in the right direction.

I know you are all pulling for me and I really appreciate every prayer, thought and message not to mention the cards I've received. Thank you...

Stay well and safe my friends

~ Ros ~



  1. Hi Ros. So sorry to hear about your health problems and I’m sure you must be fed up with all the hospital visits and the uncertainty of things. Before I retired I was a secretary to a Neurosurgeon who specialised in cervical spine disease so am familiar with what you have shared. I hope and pray that you make the right decision with regard to your future treatment and wish you well for the future. God bless you xx

  2. So glad you didn't close your blog, Ros. All this time I apparently wasn't a follower, but now you'll see my shining face in your side bar. Why do we keep being reminded that life isn't fair?! How about things like this hitting the trouble makers instead of the good people?! Can't imagine what you're dealing with & so wish I could give you a real hug & share a cup of tea. But know you're in my thoughts & in my heart. I pray you will get direction & be at peace. Sending lots of love your way, Greta

  3. Oh Ros, I'm sorry the news hasn't been good with your appointments and that nothing has been resolved for you. Stay strong, my friend. You are right, we are all pulling for you. Love and hugs, Loll

  4. Huge hugs Ros, no easy decisions but we are there for you in our daily thoughts... have another hug Robyn

  5. We'll link all our prayers around the globe, Ros! I hope that you'll find the answers and they will guide you directly to the proper course of action.
    Take care, sweet friend! Lots of love, and virtual hugs!

  6. These are such tough times for you, my friend. Sending prayers for the best answers to come to you. Stay positive and strong dear Ros.

  7. Wow Ros, I am sending BIG prayers and hugs your way, I am so sorry you have to go thru all this, sometimes life is so unfair. I certainly hope whatever you decided that all goes well for you and you will once again feel like the more normal you!! It is definitely a toll on your body getting older (I know this personally myself with all the issues I have had), not sure whom invented the golden years, but they need a wakeup call!! This getting old stuff is for the birds!! Anyhow, I surely hope you will keep your blog going with your beautiful talent as I certainly would miss it!! Know I am thinking of you my friend and wish the best for you!!!

  8. OH dear! I'm so sorry to hear you are going through all of this and yes, you are in my daily prayers and good/positive thoughts! I hope you keep your blog open if for no other reason then to pop in here & there to let us (who love you) know how you're doing.
    My heart issues are starting to settle down ... having Covid in the middle of everything sure didn't help as now I have the after effects of covid so it's hard to determine if my shortness of breath is due to my heart or covid! UGH .. getting old sure SUCKS! LOL
    Know you are in my thoughts and other than prayers I wish I could do more to help but being so far away I know I can't ... BUT please know I'm always here for you if you need someone to talk to!! HUGS & HAPPY THOUGHTS coming your way!

  9. I wish I could make everything better for you, Ros. This is just too much on one person. You have some decisions to make and I'm sure you're putting it mildly to say it's been an anxious period. I realize there's no time for blogging, but the occasional pop in with news is good for now. Maybe things will change for the better. We can always hope. Sending love, hugs, and good thoughts. Thank you for the update.

  10. Please know you are in my prayers for the best possible outcome with your decisions. Your art work is inspiring to us Ros...hope it also will give you a distraction and a bit of FUN when the mood hits to create. It may not be today or tomorrow, but have no fear. At my age I have found that whatever life brings, that creative urge does pop up again.
    Paper Hugs,

  11. So sorry to hear of the continued difficulty for you, Ros. I continue to keep you in my prayers. I pray that the doctors help you to make the right decisions and that they help you on the road to recovery. I only wish the best for you. Thank you for the update and please continue to keep us updated with news for we do all care about you and how you are doing. You are one talented sweet dear lady. Do what you can when you can. Sending warm hugs your way, my friend!!!

  12. Ros, I am so glad you have found time and felt brave enough to share a little bit of what you are going through with us. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like to be facing such serious issues and decisions. It is no surprise that you feel at a loss and in a bit of a brain fog, who wouldn't be? Just take your time and do whatever you feel able to do. We are all pulling for you xx

  13. Hi Ros, thanks for updating us on your health news. I'm so sorry to hear what you are dealing with, I just hope you will get some relief and some positive news soon. Stay strong, and I know you will make the right decision. Your always in my thoughts and prayers. Sending love and hugs across the pond!

  14. Dearest Ros I'm so so sorry that you are both having so many health issues and it's not surprising that you have considered closing your blog. You have so many crafting friends and I'm sure like myself we will always be happy to hear from you and totally understand if you take a break be it permanent or temporary.
    Sending you lots of hugs and keeping everything crossed for you.

    P.s had that terrible electric impulse thingy a few years back when I damaged my spine
    was absolutely awful

  15. All I can say is that you are really getting dumped on my dear friend. I'm so sorry. Any one thing is a struggle, so to be juggling so many seems so unfair. You are an inspiration with your attitude and your get-on-with-it spirit! Wish you weren't so far away. Sending 🙏, love, and hugs, Darnell

  16. While it is always good to get your news, this was not what I had hoped for. I'm so sorry to hear about all the challenges but being my usual self, aI also try to focus on the silver lining: your eyes, even it it turned out to be more complicated, seem to have made it, so one step accomplished.
    About the eyelashes: it does make me wonder why this is not being used for baldness as it seems you can ask any price should you come up with a miracle potion for that problem!
    While the decision(s) ahead are hard ones, it is reassuring to know that you are in capable hands and I hope that this thought helps you make the right decision. Fingers crossed for everything ahead! And much love to carry you through!


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