Good morning friends
The prompt word at
This week is Rain ... chosen for us by Kirsty
Something we in the UK are very familiar with all year round... It has been in excess this year in the southern part of the British Isles and wreaked so much devastation and heartbreak ...
We have been fortunate where I am ... But still the dark dismal days of winter rain gets to you
Cold and wet and miserable ... unless you make friends with it
Yet the summer rain...
It's often gentle pitter patter cleans the air and leaves behind it a scent of indescribable freshness ... It heightens the perfume of every flower and leaf ...
Of course heavy showers can pick their moments ... usually when the flowers are in bloom and the weight becomes too much for some of the more delicate beauties that they bow their heads and fall
But a walk in the summer rain in the UK can be so beautiful...
A favourite for me is when I am tucked up snuggly in bed and the rain is lashing against the window
It's like a lullaby ...
Rain ... much as we complain ... I wouldn't be without it
Hop over to the Blog to see what Rain means to our friends around the globe and come and link up this week at
Enjoy your day
Till soon
~ Ros ~