Hello and Happy Sunday to you
Kirsty has picked "Spring Thing" for the prompt this week at
Unfortunately Spring has been delayed here where I live... I was looking back on last year's photos and everywhere was so much more colourful
We do however have amazing displays of Daffodils ... They're blooming not only in the gardens but in virtually every park and highway that we pass
The blossom is slowly starting to appear coaxed by the spells of sunshine but winter is clinging - outstaying her welcome
The blossom is slowly starting to appear coaxed by the spells of sunshine but winter is clinging - outstaying her welcome
Cold nights, cool days and raindrops that leave the winter pansies bowing their heads
They have decided not to open until she is here... only 10 days to go

And look at this
This makes me smile because it's my lilac tree - My Mum loved lilacs and this always makes me think of her but last year I didn't get one single flower on that tree
But I can already see the purple flowers peeking out ... Oh yes! We are having lilacs this year, so Spring you are forgiven for being a little tardy and we are waiting to welcome you with open arms
Till soon
~ Ros ~