Hi there...
The past few days have been warm and sunny... I did some painting and then spent a few hours in the garden just relaxing.
The hum of the traffic, not as constant but still more than busy considering the situation, was joined by birdsong and in the distance the sound of children's voices. The cats are enjoying the weather, Missy on mouse patrol and Ginger boy rolling on the warm ground.
To all intent and purposes, everything is normal...Butterflies and bees are vying for the first flowers of Spring. Buds are opening, shoots are beginning to cover the borders and the birds are going about their daily life. Nature is oblivious to the pandemic and for the most part so am I.
Like all that is happening on our planet is, well, somehow elsewhere.
I watch a little of the news, I cry at the stories and the images. I see the struggles of the health workers and all the brave people who are keeping everything going and I'm full of admiration and a sense of guilt that I'm not contributing anything...
Reality hits only when I have to venture out for necessities wearing a mask, gloves and avoiding everyone that comes near, when I lay my head down at night and Covid-19 invades my dreams and then when I wake, grateful once more that we have another day.
Easter is upon us and it's always signified new beginnings, we still have much to be grateful for and much to enjoy... Nature heals and so will we
Be blessed
~ Ros ~