Hello and Happy Valentines Day!
It's time for a new word prompt at
This week it's Mandy's choice and the word she chose is Up!
Well, I wouldn't like that guy's job for anything... I don't do heights at all and this is what he is Up on
This huge bridge goes right across the river in Lisbon and carries vehicles as well as a train line below
I took the photo whilst cruising in the Mediterranean and much as I loved cruising, my nightmare was having to go Up the steps to get on the ship
Having a fear of heights is no fun... But my great niece has no fear whatsoever... Since a mere toddler she has climbed Up anything she could - the higher the better
The Liverpool Eye was a doddle to her
Bet she'd love to go Up on this one, built in the side of the cliff at La Coruna

Take a peek at what my friend's are sharing Up on the Blog today...
Just as a side note ... I have spent ages trying to upload the photos on my post...Blogger is not co-operating so I had to drag and drop and even then they were not right ...
Enjoy your Valentine's Day
Till soon
~ Ros ~