Hello... How was your Easter?
It certainly was different... I never thought we'd see the Archbishop of Canterbury giving his address from his own kitchen that's for sure!
It was a bizarre day really... We got a call just after lunch, Ian's golf buddy George was out walking and had a nasty fall - His wife was alerted and called an ambulance but because of the times we are living in, there was no guarantee of it arriving anytime soon, so Ian was asked to take him - It was all so sudden and DH didn't feel that he could refuse although a hospital is the last place anyone wants to be right now. Anyway he took his buddy and obviously DH couldn't go in the hospital so waited outside when he saw a guy drive up to drop off another unfortunate person... He couldn't help but laugh when out of the car limped a woman all dressed up in a huge bunny outfit, tail bouncing as she hobbled into the hospital...Like I said, a bizarre day.
I've a couple more painted cards to share...
We've had some lovely warm days and like so many of you, have taken the opportunity to do some tidying in the garden
However, we are expecting the temperatures to drop to freezing over the next few days... Weird!
We have to be grateful that at least we have a garden and If I can't enjoy the flowers, I'll paint some

I'll leave you with a couple of photos... The lilac beginning to open
And some Lily of the Valley
Take care, enjoy your day and whatever you are doing, be safe
~ Ros ~