Monday, March 17, 2025


 Good morning friends

I can't believe it's March already and I'm way behind with so many things. I have letters to write and cards to send and things keep getting in he way. I'm due at hospital later today for a procedure I'm dreading as the last one left me with an infection for 2 weeks, so I'm trying to keep my mind elsewhere. 

I have a few paintings to share with you though... I did a few mini paintings on cardstock, about 10x10cms

When I'm worried about things I pull out the paints and let my mind go to nicer places

Like warm sunny beaches

or peaceful places

This one is a little bigger


And a lifelong friend of mine who now lives in the USA, has just moved into her new appartment so I made something for her as she has started a gallery wall

 The card was done using up paint on my pallet, then drawing a flower and painting over it

and a larger painting for her

I still have much to share and one day I will get around to it...


Sending hugs and love to ou all


~ Ros ~