Monday, May 11, 2020

The Gulls are Back...

Well the weather has turned again, it's not too warm right now though the garden has bloomed in the heat we enjoyed last week and surprisingly the roses are already opening...

My lockdown album is coming along, getting fatter and fatter and today I'm sharing two more Lala Land paintings I did using the gull stamp...

Percy here can often be seen at old Captain Shaw's place - His old boat (Shirley) sprung so many leaks he finally relented and got himself a new one but unable to part with Shirley, he and Mrs Shaw converted her into a garden feature. Actually it was Percy's idea and he's rather proud of that.

Gordon is also here...

He visits most of the residents who feed him tidbits... Bacon fat is his favourite

He's looking rather smug at still maintaining his slim figure despite all that bacon fat

Just another day in Lala Land... I hope you are all well, thanks for popping by

Till soon

~ Ros ~


Diane said...

Oh what fun to add the gulls to your paintings and what a fun story it is too, I enjoyed it with my coffee!! Weather here is rather cool, rainy and even a few snow flakes today, but thats okay, I have my crafty things to keep me busy!! Have a wonderful day!!

Pat said...

Two sweet cards and love both Percy and Gordon Ros put together with more pretty flowers. I think your little stories and especially the names of your seagulls are influenced by Thomas the Tank Engine as these were the names of two of the I think they are both adorable. x

Maria said...

Beautiful paintings with the sweet gulls, Percy and Gordon! Love the little stories to accompany them...too cute! The weather here is cool once again, but it's supposed to warm up for the weekend! I hope by then we'll have more stable temperatures! Take care and have a great week!!

Marcia Hill said...

Percy and Gordon are both looking quite pleased with themselves and have totally made me smile!! And Percy's idea to use the old boat for planting a garden is a fabulous idea...especially since it already has the holes for drainage! :0) Fun post and lovely, lovely painting!! :0)

Christine Alexander said...

Ros, your seagull is such a cutie, I bet he loves his boat with all those flowers :)

Inkyfingers said...

Oh, I do love to visit and see your joyful paintings, Ros. I loved the addition of the seagulls to the story, and I wish I had Percy's trick with the bacon fat lol!
Stay well,
Carol x

I Card Everyone said...

Fabulousness coming from Lala Land! I adore them both... and it's nice to meet your clever neighbors!

Bonnie said...

The gulls are looking very pleased with themselves and well they should be! The leaky boat makes a beautiful garden feature!

Darnell said...

Just incredible, Ros! You need to look up authors who need book illustrators! You'd have the job in a minute! BTW, I know how your lockdown album feels, lol! Take care and keep safe! Hugs, Darnell

Leslie Miller said...

OMGosh, you're so good! I love how you sometimes combine your own art with stamps, not that you couldn't draw that seagull yourself, but I know how much fun you've had with them in the past. The story is wonderful! I gather it will be part of the lockdown album. I'm so glad I stopped by today!

Greta said...

Such a fun way to use the gulls, Ros! Brilliant idea to use a boat for a planter--I've seen it done at our coast!

Robyn Oliver said...

Oh Ros I so love where you're going with your painting... the gull is just fabulous... and I love that you introduced them to us with a story, I really love your artwork/painting and combining with a stamp is fantastic... keep sharing, it brings a big smile to me, hugs Robyn

Mac Mable said...

Lala land is good for me Ros....And so glad Gordon is maintaining his lsim figure...unlike myself with lockdown! x

Pauline said...

Sorry for being so late to comment, just getting caught up! Love your new addition to your Lala Land album. Ros, your art is incredible. The little gull is so sweet, he fits in so well with your hand drawn images. Love the story, makes me smile. Hugs,

Barbara said...

What a perfect move to include the gulls into your paintings! I love them!