Hello... How was your Easter?
It certainly was different... I never thought we'd see the Archbishop of Canterbury giving his address from his own kitchen that's for sure!
It was a bizarre day really... We got a call just after lunch, Ian's golf buddy George was out walking and had a nasty fall - His wife was alerted and called an ambulance but because of the times we are living in, there was no guarantee of it arriving anytime soon, so Ian was asked to take him - It was all so sudden and DH didn't feel that he could refuse although a hospital is the last place anyone wants to be right now. Anyway he took his buddy and obviously DH couldn't go in the hospital so waited outside when he saw a guy drive up to drop off another unfortunate person... He couldn't help but laugh when out of the car limped a woman all dressed up in a huge bunny outfit, tail bouncing as she hobbled into the hospital...Like I said, a bizarre day.
I've a couple more painted cards to share...
We've had some lovely warm days and like so many of you, have taken the opportunity to do some tidying in the garden
However, we are expecting the temperatures to drop to freezing over the next few days... Weird!
We have to be grateful that at least we have a garden and If I can't enjoy the flowers, I'll paint some

I'll leave you with a couple of photos... The lilac beginning to open
And some Lily of the Valley
Take care, enjoy your day and whatever you are doing, be safe
~ Ros ~
I'm sorry your hubby had to take a friend to the hospital, but glad he was able to get a chuckle out of the bunny that arrived there too! Your cards are both absolutely BEAUTIFUL Ros and I'm still loving coming to visit your blog and seeing what you have painted! I especially am loving your 2nd card...soooo pretty!! Your outdoor garden pics are just lovely too! I have Daffodils coming up, but that's about it for my neck of the woods, and we are expecting rain and snow both today, so definitely not looking to Spring-y here! Hopefully soon though!! :0)
Nothing like having two beautiful cards to show up on my computer on this very windy~blustery day. Both are so gorgeous and as well as your garden ones. Funny story about the bunny, not so about your hubby's friend, yes a hospital is the last place to want to be. I sure hope my lilacs can make it thru our next 4 nights of freezing temps as well as the rest of my other flowers. I spent my Easter in the gardens until I was too tired to do anymore, a very quiet day for sure!
Beautiful cards Ros and I have Lily of the Valley envy...mine never amount to anything at all! Perhaps you should paint some?Sorry about your hubby's friend and hope he is sorted of course and that your hubby wasn't too traumatised with a trip to hospital and a bunny to cope with!..lol. xx
gorgeous cards Ros they're all so creative. I especially love the pot of lavender :)
Going anywhere near an emergency department at the moment is so scary, especially when you meet a bunny:) I hope hubby's friend is OK.
The limping "human bunny" certainly was a sight to brighten one's spirits but what excitement for you there... So glad, though, that DH extended the helping hand and wasn't the one who needed it. Your cards - again - are absolutely gorgeous... who needs flowers in the yard when you can look at these cards??
Beautiful cards did you make Ros. I especially love the third one, lovely colors. I hope hubby's friend is oké?
Here in Holland dropped the temperature a lot today, no freezing but sure it's cold brr.
Greetings Miranda
Hi Ros, and a late Happy Easter - isn't is wonderful that we have our craft to take our minds off the terrible times we're facing...and I'm thankful we have our gardens too - love seeing your lilac and lily of the valley - my mum grew both of these. Your gorgeous painted cards are delightful and bring a happy smile to my face, you're very talented - pretty colours with these ones and do I see lavender and dahlias in pots.... special hugs friend and stay safe, DH too, Robyn
OMG, 2 more absolutely gloriously wonderful cards! I love these so much as I sit here listening to the news and getting ready to dish up dinner. A bit of beauty injected into my otherwise mundane day. Thank you! I think your hubby was happy to have a chance to get out for a change of scenery, and what a change of scenery he had! Sorry it was for an unhappy reason. I hope your friend will be okay.
Haha - the story about the bunny outfit is funny.
Your cards are bright and beautiful and I love how detailed they are.
Your gardens are beautiful, Ros! I love lilacs and lily of the valley and wish they grew well here. I do have some lily of the valley but it is getting sparser. I am so enjoying your painted gardens and hope you'll keep on with them! Love the bright Spring colors and all the little details you add! I hope Ian didn't pick up anything other than his friend and hope your friend will recover nicely.
Yes weird times for sure!! So glad you had a few pretty days to get outside and your flowers are beautiful. Our lilac buds are just coming out and unfortunately I don't have any lily of the valley at this house ... will have to do something about that as yours made me smile!
You have certainly been perfecting your painting during this isolation time and I'm loving being able to be inspired by each and every card you make! These are absolutely beautiful ... I wish I had your artistic talent! Thanks for inspiration ... stay healthy and enjoy the sunshine when you have it!! HUGS from OHIO, USA
There's not one thing blooming in our square of the world, Ros... thanks doubly for sharing those Lily of the Valley, and Lilacs - my favorites in Spring! and more of your lovely paintings!
Thanks for all your art and for the photos...I really miss seeing the Lily of the Valley this Spring - I can almost smell the aroma.
What a bizarre day....Your painted cards continue to be amazing Ros and sure do bring a smile to my face x.
More Gorgeous painted flowers cards, Ros! I love the lavender and yellow flowers in your pots with a bit of doodling. Your whimsical flowers with doodling design is so sweet too. I look so forward to seeing your new paintings...Thank you so much.
Sorry Ian had to take his friend to the hospital. Hope his friend recovers fine and the neither catch the nasty C-Bug!!
Love seeing your real flowers too. Your photos were beautiful. Take care and keep on Painting and Sharing...Love and Hugs..Nancy
More fantastic watercoloured cards Ros and they just get better and better. Sorry your hubby's friend fell and hurt himself rather badly, and great your husband was able to get him to the hospital in the car. I hope he is beginning to feel a lot better. I laughed at the limping lady in her bunny outfit...the mind boggles..lol. x
What a bright spot in our day to see your lovely paintings, Ros! Thanks so much for sharing the beauties with us! Yes, a strange Easter for sure and the days we are all experiencing! I hope George is feeling better from his nasty fall. And, too funny about the hobbling bunny, but do hope she is feeling better, too! Yes, another bright spot are the signs of spring. Things are just starting to bloom here. Take care, hugs!!
Now that is a weird Easter, for sure! Hope your hubby's friend is OK. Hubby did a video md appt--safe, but not what I'd want long term! Beautiful paintings, my friend! Would you believe--I have lilacs this year, finally! Good thing my neighbors had the tree trimmed that was giving my lilacs too much shade. I've got some already more open than yours!
Yes I agree with everyone on this, Easter sure what different this year. A bizarre day indeed, I hope George will be okay. Your blooming garden is so delightful to see. I have a small (miniature) lilac bush I planted 2 years ago, lots of blooms on it but not into flower yet. Ros, your paintings are so beautiful. I love the whimsical feel to the 2nd card, with those little mushrooms down in the corner, so sweet. These will surely brighten someones day, as they brighten up mine when they pop into my Feedly for me to see. Sorry for the late post, just getting caught up for the week. Working from home, long days 12-14 hr days, when I'm done, I'm done! Nothing left in me to do anything. I see you have another post, so off to check that one out to. Keep the paintings coming, love seeing them. Take care Ros, hugs,
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