Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's and Hello

 Hello there friends

I know it's been such a long time since I posted and I don't yet have anything photographed to share but I'm working on that.

It's been as hectic as ever with appointments and I had carpal tunnel surgery in January

Whilst it can't eleviate the nerve pain in my hand, it has saved me losing the use of it totally. So that left me out of action for awhile.
I am still receiving draining for the seromas since the mastectomy operation and I have been diagnosed with lung fibrosis from the radiotherapy I received so I am waiting to see a lung specialist but quite frankly it has changed my life.
I can no longer go to my exercise class and the simple things leave me breathless but I'm accepting the things I cannot change and still doing what I can including painting and sewing.

We've lost a few friends this year and yesterday we attended the funeral of a really lovely guy but there were so many people at the crematorium that we had to stand until someone gave me their seat. Unfortunately my husband became dizzy so we went out to the foyer where he collapsed. It was dreadful and I was so grateful to the people that came to help including the undertaker from the next funeral waiting to come in. 

He is fine now, and it's one of those things that can happen to him if he stands for too long - He is tall and the blood struggles to pump to his brain then he ends up fainting. It hasn't happened in a long while but this time I thought I was losing him and in the crematorium of all places with funerals arriving and unable to proceed. Somewhere there is humour in it all...

I really hope to get back to blogging more often but for now I will leave you with this 

~ Ros ~


Pat said...

So lovely to hear from you Ros, and good to hear the carpel tunnel surgery means you will not lose the use of your hand which helps at least with your painting and sewing. Sorry though to hear the radiotherapy has left you with lung problems and hope that there will be something they can do to help that. Also glad that your husband is OK after his nasty turn at the crem. and hope that this will remain a rare occurrence. I know tall people can experience dizziness when standing, and also when getting up from a chair too quickly. Take and visit it us again when you feel able. x

HilaryJane said...

Lovely to hear from you Ros, but so sad to hear that your trials and tribulations continue. I hope you have healed after your surgery and that your husband feels better now. Getting old really is no fun, but you hang in there and enjoy the pleasure of creating when you can xx

Viv said...

Hello Ros. So good to see you back here and am sending you my very best wishes as always. xx

Marcia Hill said...

Oh good to hear from you but so sorry to hear that things continue to be so rough for you and hubby! I'm glad to hear the carpal tunnel surgery was a success and that you still have enough use from your hand now that you can create, but so very sorry to hear about the lung issues...sure hope they can figure that one out! And sure hope no more episodes like this past one for your scary!! Hang in there and know that you are thought of often and prayed over continually!! Hugs. :0)

Leslie Miller said...

It's one thing after another for you and still you keep looking up. I'm just sorry about it all as I think you're having more than your fair share. I'm trying to be more positive after a string of sad occurrences here. Some are ongoing, but cannot be changed so what can I do but keep on. I'm okay. I hope you will be, too. Sending hugs.

Loll said...

I am so sorry for all the struggles for you and your husband over past years, Ros. I wish only the best for you for the future, my friend. I wish I could be there to help out. Take care. Sending love and hugs, Loll.

Christine Alexander said...

So sorry to hear you are going through even more struggles but happy you are looking on the positive side of crafting and sewing. I love seeing all your incredible painting.
I might be in your neck of the woods this summer. I'm hoping to take a quick detour to the Lavinia store in Ruthin to do one of their work shops when I visit family and friends in Swansea . xx

Barbara said...

Good to see you here, Ros, photos or no photos. It's obvious you had other things to deal with and all left-over energy goes into creating rather than taking pictures - that's just the icing on the cake that we will get to see sooner or later again I am sure.
What a scare about DH - I really am relieved to know that he recovered. 2024 will surely see you both on a steep uphill slope - you're long overdue for it.

Darnell said...

Oh, man, Ros, the hits just keep coming! How terribly scared you must have been about Ian and yes, my dark sense of humor appreciates where it happened - now that he's okay. I'm glad the doctors were able to do what they could to keep you from losing the use of your arm, but that sucks about your breathing. Sigh. What would we do without the Serenity Prayer? You are an inspiration to your friends! Love and huge hugs, Darnell

Greta said...

Hello my dear friend. How about that--you were able to write a post! Will be great not to totally loose the use of that arm/hand. One handed is not easy as we both know! How awful for your hubby to faint at the funeral. Thank goodness there are still good people in this world to help at a time like that. You're a living testament to what we all know--life isn't fair! So sorry for all the issues you've faced and continue to deal with. Good you have some hobbies you can enjoy--cardmaking helps me keep my sanity these days! Looking forward to the pictures. Sending love and hugs, Greta

Bonnie said...

Oh, my. How scary, Ros! You have certainly had some challenges in the past year! Here's hoping for a change in direction and good things piling up from now on.

Pat said...

Just lovely.🩷

Pat said...

Just lovely.🩷